During these 27 months the partners of the consortium (IASIS, Guaraní, SSF and UCBR) have been collaborating in the development of innovative methodologies to foster the participation of migrant and minority youth in European society. As a result of this, and after several international meetings, one training, pilotings of the materials and work with stakeholders and local committees, the next materials were published:
All of them are available (translated to 4 different languages) in the website of the Project.
The 22nd of December took place the last international meeting in Madrid. Partners from the 4 entities attended to review the activities of the Project, fulfil the last tasks and evaluate the entire Project. Also, during this month several multiplier events and a conference took place in the 3 countries addressing more than 140 stakeholders in total.
As a good new during this last period of the Project we announce that the consortium will continue the work during this next year with the project A Part of EU.3, that has been recently approved. So stay tuned about our next challenges!
Partners from the different countries where the headquarters of the collaborating entities are located gathered at the headquarters of Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (Spain). The event, held online as a preventive measure due to the Covid-19 situation, was attended by students from high schools involved in the project at the local level, the project's guidance counsellor and other young people and professionals of the social scope; 53 participants in total.
The event, which dealt with Youth Participation in the European Union, started with the presentation of the project and the explanation of the Intellectual Results of the project: IO1 European Platform for Training and Participation for Young Migrants, Minorities and Professionals, IO2 Manual of innovative intervention tools, IO3 Guide with innovative methods and tools to promote synergies and cooperation between social organisations, public administrations and the private sector to promote the participation of young migrants and minorities (MMY) and IO4 Report of policy recommendations. Later, the different resources and tools to promote European youth participation were presented in an explanatory way and, subsequently, an experience of the president of the Youth Council of one of the institutes with which the project collaborates, also beneficiary of meetings and trips in the framework of the European Union, was transmitted. Afterwards, the continuation of the project, called A Part of EU 2030, was presented to make it known among the attendees and, finally, there was a round of questions and a space for debate, closing the event with a brief evaluation.
To find out more, visit our website: www.apartofeu.eu
During this last months, Solidaridad Sin Fronteras NGO Guaraní, IASIS NGO, and UBCR have been working on the development of the partnership and the first Intellectual Output: the training platform for Migrant and Minority Youth (MMY), with MOOC courses in the 5 dimensions of participation.The aim of this Output is to improve the social, civic and digital competences ofMMY, and a participation space for these groups, as well as a learning area for professionals from civil society, public administrations and the private sector.
Both the courses and the platform have been created with the collaboration of the 4 partners of the project, and are available in the following link:https://www.apartofeu.eu/ (in 4 different languages: Spanish, Italian, Greek and English).
During the last meetings of the partnership, the participants checked the state of the art of the project, validated the IO1 and presented the work plan of the next Intellectual Outputs they will be working in for the next months. NGO Guaraní presented the idea of the Innovative Intervention Tools Manual (IO2), and IASIS presented the plan for the Guide with innovative methods and tools to promote synergies and cooperation between social organizations, public administrations and private sector (IO3). As both of them are very connected the partners will work together on both of them during the next months. Soon we will have more news about these tools and other results of the project.
Keep yourself updated and follow the news in our social networks and website!